Smart Diversity

One world, many perspectives, unlimited opportunities

Change and diversity are part of modern life. Have you ever been in an international team and the reactions of some of your colleagues just did not seem to make sense? Do you feel anxious when there are new and unexpected developments or changes in your company?

My individually designed intercultural trainings and customized coachings will help you navigate the challenges of change processes and multicultural environments; get ready to harness the incredible potential inherent in change processes and diversity.


Achieve personal and professional growth and reach your personal and professional goals, by discovering your strength and tapping into your resources.

Broaden your intercultural horizons and discover strategies for success in a globalized market.


In this interview, which was recorded after I had facilitated a workshop with a group of incredible young people from all over Europe as part of the Future Narratives project, I share my thoughts on intercultural competence, storytelling and being aware in a complex world.